Thursday, September 3, 2009

Learn Something New Every Day

As many of you know, one of my hobbies is scrapbooking. Through this craft, I have met some wonderful and creative ladies. One of those lasies is Shimelle Laine. She hails from the UK, and is extremely talented. She hosts a fabulous webite and inspires all of us to find our creative side in the every day ordinary.

For this month I am participating in her Learn Something New Every Day on-line class. With this class, we must look around our busy life, and try to find out something new, and journal about it. I am so excited to begin this adventure.

So, for the month of September I am going to LIVE and LEARN. I will live by these words. I am going to slow down a bit, and look at the simple things going on around me. I promise to take a moment each day to Learn Something New...won't you join me?

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love the idea of this...may have to try it myself sometime soon. Love how you have started...can't wait to see your LOs.