Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Christopher received some very exciting new yesterday. Here is a portion of the letter he received:
"Congratulations! Your poem has been selected for publication in the Young American Poetry Digest. You are to be commended for your creative efforts.
We invited teachers and librarians throughout the United States to submit student's poetry that best represents young Americans' creative abilities. Maureen E. Davis from Dudley Elementary School submitted your poem which was reviewed and selected for inclusion in our 2007 poetry book. The selection panel members are all educators who selected only the best poems submitted, ones that are especially well written for the age level of the student."
Christopher's poem theme was peace. I do not have a copy at this time. I will get it from Miss Davis and post at a later date. Christopher shares this honor with his big brother Buzz. Ryan's poem, "One Dark Day", a poem about September 11th. was published in the 2002 edition of the Teacher's Selection Anthology of Poetry.
Christopher loves to write and has a very creative mind. Many times his teacher has commented, "did you write this?" We are so proud of his accomplishments!


Latharia said...

Congratulations, Christopher!!! I was published similarly when I was in middle school & high school, and it was a tremendous honor. I still have the books, too!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Great job Chris! Auntie and Nootz are very proud of you!

crazierinreallife said...

CONGRATS Christopher. I am very proud of you too. Maybe someday you can write a play and Seth will be the actor in it

kaj said...

Congratulations!! That is awesome!

Linda said...

This is wonderful news!!! Bravo!